Our Specialties
Healing Your Spirit, Connecting Your Body.
What We Specialize In
Treatments & Specialities
We specialize in helping women and girls recover from eating disorders and disordered eating and heal from the effects of unresolved trauma and PTSD. Our mission is to help you embrace your story, accept your truth and connect with your whole self so that your life can be experienced FULLY and lived JOYFULLY and FREELY.

Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders get in the way of experiencing life and being present. You can’t do much without “that voice” interfering with every choice you make in almost every aspect of your life. It can feel so confusing, isolating and overwhelming. We get it and we are here to help you RECOVER your life. Start your healing journey with personalized, holistic recovery solutions that help you RECONNECT to your body, RECLAIM your voice and LIVE YOUR LIFE FULLY. Click below to learn more about Eating Disorder services at Recover Newport Beach.

Body Image
Your Body Image becomes your SELF image, it’s impossible to honor and love who you are without embracing your body and connecting with it on all levels. It’s time to get to know yourself and make peace with your body so that you can live with FREEDOM and EASE. You are worth it! Explore your Body Image through mindful movement, breathing and dance as well as individual therapy, coaching services and various groups aimed at helping you CONNECT with and EMBRACE your body. Click below to learn more about Body Image services at Recover Newport Beach.

PTSD & Trauma
Unresolved trauma impacts the whole person- mind, body and spirit. Without helping the body feel safe, the mind feel calm and the spirit feel connected, the person is left feeling disconnected, like there's always a void in their core that needs to be filled. That “void” is often filled by self-destructive efforts to avoid and numb the pain and to just get through life. We get it, and we want to help you find more loving and helpful ways to cope. We offer a multitude of therapeutic solutions to help you HEAL from the pain of your trauma and RECONNECT you back with your whole self so that you can GROW and THRIVE. Trauma does not define you, you are more, YOU are worth it! Click below to learn more about Trauma recovery services at Recover Newport Beach.
Don’t Wait Another Day